Wednesday, September 17, 2008

How To" Start Trading

"How To" Start Trading The Forex Market? (How To Read Forex Price Charts)Forex Price Charts, what DO they mean and HOW to use them?Important numerous facts as discipline, trading rules, not being greedy etc., but one of the most important things is:LEARN to read the charts as Charts represent the lifeblood of the market.I admit that reading charts, and interpreting patterns, are more an art than a skill. Base and apply your entry and exit decisions on YOUR OWN combined methods of technical and fundamental analysis.FOREX charts, are easier to interpret and to use. They reflect a slower moving, stable economy of a country, compared to the stock market, with its daily drama of company reports, Wall Street Analysts and shareholder demands.Unlike stocks, currency charts do not spend much time in trading ranges and have the tendency to develop strong trends. Furthermore, Forex with its 4 Mayor currencies is easier to analyze than tens of thousands of stocks.( Mayor currencies are: USD/JPY, EUR/USD, GBP/USD and USD/CHF)The complimentary FREE live charting software, with the ultimate cutting edge technology provided by

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